Pog is the new era of esports: a guide to the latest gaming terminology Esports has always been a place where new terminology and phrases are constantly minted. The way gamers communicate with each other has evolved beyond simple acronyms and memes,



Pog is the new era of esports: a guide to the latest gaming terminology

Esports has always been a place where new terminology and phrases are constantly minted. The way gamers communicate with each other has evolved beyond simple acronyms and memes, and now features a whole new vocabulary that takes time to learn. In 2021, the hottest phrase in gaming is 'Pog', and it has swiftly replaced 'PogChamp' as the colloquial term used to describe something exciting or awesome. In this article, we'll explain what Pog means, give examples of how it's being used, and explore other new gaming terminology that's taking over the esports world.

What is Pog?

First things first, let's explain what Pog means. Originally derived from the Twitch emote 'PogChamp', which features a shocked-looking face of professional Street Fighter player Ryan 'Gootecks' Gutierrez, Pog has become a shorthand for excitement or awe. It's used to describe something that's impressive,电竞队员 incredible or surprising, such as a snipe in Call of Duty or a triple kill in League of Legends. Pog has quickly become a staple of Twitch chat and is used by gamers across the world as a way to express hype in real-time.

Examples of how Pog is used in gaming

Here are some examples of how Pog is being used in the world of esports:

When a team wins a match in a clutch situation, the chat might erupt with messages such as 'PogChamp' or simply 'Pog'.

If a player pulls off an incredible play, the chat might use phrases such as 'that was Poggers', 'PogU' or 'Poggers 777' to express their awe.

When a streamer reacts to something surprising or exciting, they might say 'Pog' rather than 'wow' or 'amazing'.

Other new gaming terminology

Although Pog is currently the reigning king of gaming terminology, there are other phrases that are gaining popularity among the gaming community. Here are some examples:

Pepega: This term refers to a player who is making a mistake or is generally incompetent. It's often used as a lighthearted insult.

OMEGALUL: Similar to Pepega, OMEGALUL is an exaggerated version of LOL (laugh out loud) used to express intense laughter.

Lit: This term has been around for a while but is still popular among gamers. When something is described as 'lit', it means it's exciting, fun or cool.

Simp: This term refers to a person who is overly eager to please someone else, often in a romantic context.

Based: If someone is being 'based', it means they're being authentic and true to themselves. It's often used in a positive sense.


Language is always evolving, and the gaming community is no exception. Pog has taken over as the go-to term for excitement in esports, and its usage continues to spread across platforms like Twitch and Discord. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just getting into esports, understanding the new terminology is essential if you want to communicate effectively with other players. Along with Pog, there are many other new terms in gaming, and we can expect more to emerge in the future. So, stay tuned, keep an ear out and remember to always stay Pog.

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