Introduction With the rise of esports, it is no surprise that the world-renowned game, League of Legends, has created its own esports circle. But what really sets this community apart is its infectious sense of humor and the banter that happens betw




With the rise of esports, it is no surprise that the world-renowned game, League of Legends, has created its own esports circle. But what really sets this community apart is its infectious sense of humor and the banter that happens between players. This article will shine a light on some of the funniest moments in the League of Legends esports scene. So, hold on to your seats, because it's about to get hilarious!

The Tongue-Twister

In one of the League of Legends World Championship interviews, former professional player, Song "Smeb" Kyung-ho, had a little bit of trouble pronouncing one of the words in his script. While most would simply admit to their mistake, Smeb decided to have a little bit of fun and tongue-twist his way through the word. The interviewer and the entire audience couldn't help but laugh at the hilarious moment.

The Fly Swatter

In another World Championship moment, KT Rolster was playing against Fnatic in a crucial match. During the game, KT's player, Deft, had a fly land on his hand, and without missing a beat, he grabbed a pen and started swatting away at it. The audience was in stitches watching as the professional player tried to defeat a pesky fly in the midst of the highly important match.

The Dance-Off

During a 2015 League of Legends Championship Series, two players, Meteos and Hai, decided to have a dance-off in the middle of the game. They both begin to bust a move, much to the delight of the audience and other players. Their teammates even got in on the action, joining the dance battle. It was a lighthearted moment that reminded everyone that even professional players can let loose and have fun.

The Translation Mishap

During another interview, this time with League of Legends commentator, Christopher "PapaSmithy" Smith, there was a slight mistranslation. The interviewer asked Smith how he prepared for casting, to which he responded with the standard answer of practicing and studying. However, the translator didn't quite get it right and translated Smith's answer to, "I like to crossdress." The look on Smith's face was priceless as he tried to explain the mistake to the confused interviewer.

The Pizza Delivery

In one of the most legendary moments in the League of Legends esports scene, a fan ordered a pizza to be delivered to the players during a match. The delivery man was escorted onto the stage by security and handed the pizza to the players, who proceeded to eat it while playing. The audience was ecstatic, and the commentators couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.


The League of Legends esports community is not only skilled and competitive, but also full of lighthearted moments and inside jokes. These moments remind us that even the best players in the world can take a break from their rigorous training and have a laugh. Hopefully, this article has given you a glimpse into the hilarity of the League of Legends esports scene.

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